Zita Romero
Associate Researcher
Professor at ISCAP since 1986. She holds a PhD and a master's degree in Education, with a specialisation in Educational Technologies. She teaches in the bachelor's degrees of MAAT, BC, MTA, and Creativity and Innovation. Co-founder of the bachelor's degree in Business Communication, since 2005 and head of the degree until 2014. Coordinator of the Document Management and Archive, Public Speaking, and Workshop of Business Communication subjects. Erasmus Mobilities in the areas of Business Comunication, and Public Speaking. Researcher, author, speaker and promoter of conferences in the fields of Business Assistance, Business Communication and Organisation of Events. Technical-scientific reviewer of two journals: “Expectativa”da UNIOESTE; and "Gestão & Sociedade" of the University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Research areas of interest: Business and Organisational Comunication, Management Assistance, and Archive Management.