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Introducing intellectual property education for lifelong learning and the knowledge economy

Name of the Project: IPEDU - Introducing Intellectual Property Education for Lifelong Learning and the Knowledge Economy

Project Number: 2020-1-IE02-KA203-000758

Project Coordinator: Limerick Institute of Technology (Ireland)

Type of Project: Erasmus+ KA 2 Strategic Partnership for Higher Education

Project Lifetime: 1st of September 2020 until 31st of August 2023


P2 – University of Zagreb (Croatia)

P3 – Technische Universität Dresden (Germany)

P4 – Instituto Politécnico do Porto (Portugal)

P5 – Polytechnical University of Valencia (Spain)

P6 – Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania)

P7 – University of Crete (Greece)

P8 – University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)

P9 – MBTHINKTANK (Romania)

Aims and Objectives: The IPEDU project is aimed at introducing education in the field of Intellectual Property, in the curriculum of technical Universities, through training librarians and information specialists.

The IPEDU project will develop innovative teaching tools, which will help librarians and university staff to acquire the skills and competencies needed to deliver courses, in the field of Intellectual Property, to students at technical universities and library users.

Coordination of the project at ISCAP / Researchers involved:

Imagem da linha de investigação correspondente
Imagem da linha de investigação correspondente
Fotografia investigador

Ana Lúcia Terra

Fotografia investigador

Paulo Vasconcelos

Fotografia investigador

Iolanda Valente

Fotografia investigador

Paula Carvalho

Coordinator: Paulo Vasconcelos

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