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Organisation of family farming through digital processes for the development of short agri-food circuits

Name of the Project: AgroVila - Organisation of family farming through digital processes for the development of short agri-food circuits

Type of Project: Investment Programme RE-C05-i03 - Research and innovation agenda for the sustainability of agriculture, food and agro-industry No. 14/C05-i03/2021-PRR-C05-i03-1-000166 | R&D+| Research and Innovation Projects - Excellence in the Organisation of Production


CERNAS - Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra (IPC) -Líder

CEOS.PP - Instituto Politécnico do Porto (IPP)

IOTech Inovation on Technology

Confederação Nacional da Agricultura (CNA)

Cascais Ambiente

Associação In Loco

Direcção Regional de Agricultura e Pescas do Centro (DRAP Centro)

New Organic Planet

Project Lifetime: 1st of September 2022 until 30 of September 2025

Aims and Objectives:

The AGROVILA project focuses on one of the crucial aspects of family farming, which is access to the market at fair prices. Over the last few decades, food retail has undergone major changes, especially with Portugal's entry into the (then) European Community and the entry of large distribution companies, to the clear detriment of small producers. On the other hand, consumers are starting to look more for local and seasonal produce, not least because of food quality issues, but also because of environmental and social concerns.

The AGROVILA project aims to bring these players closer together by creating short circuit consumer communities with the support of a national digital platform accessible to all local producers and all consumers, which makes it possible to promote and shorten short circuits with benefits for both parties.

Coordination of the project at ISCAP / Researchers involved:

Imagem da linha de investigação correspondente
Imagem da linha de investigação correspondente
Fotografia investigador

Ana Azevedo

Fotografia investigador

Inês Veiga Pereira

Fotografia investigador

Deolinda Meira

Fotografia investigador

Marco Oliveira

Fotografia investigador

Fábio Couto

Fotografia investigador

Susana Bernardino

Fotografia investigador

Filomena Vilaça

Principal investigator: Isabel Dinis (ESAC)

CEOS.PP's Principal investigator: Ana Azevedo

Project's website:

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